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Ridomil Gold Control The Spread Of Pythium

Ridomil Gold

Ridomil Gold: Control the Spread of Pythium

An Overview of Pythium Fungus

Pythium is a common soil-borne fungal pathogen that infects a wide range of plants, including vegetables, ornamentals, and turfgrasses. The fungus attacks the roots and stems of plants, causing damping-off, root rot, and stem rot. Pythium can spread rapidly in wet or poorly drained soils, and can be a serious problem for growers.

Symptoms of Pythium Infection

Symptoms of Pythium infection can vary depending on the plant species and the stage of infection. Common symptoms include:

  • Damping-off: Seedlings collapse and die shortly after emerging from the soil.
  • Root rot: Roots become discolored and mushy, and plants may wilt and die.
  • Stem rot: Stems become soft and water-soaked, and plants may wilt and die.

Control of Pythium

There are several cultural and chemical practices that can be used to control Pythium infection. Cultural practices include:

  • Using well-drained soil
  • Avoiding overwatering
  • Sanitizing pots and tools
  • Rotating crops

Chemical control of Pythium can be achieved using fungicides. Ridomil Gold is a systemic fungicide that is effective against Pythium and other oomycetes. Ridomil Gold works by inhibiting the synthesis of RNA in the fungus, which prevents the fungus from reproducing.

Benefits of Using Ridomil Gold

Ridomil Gold offers several benefits over other fungicides. These benefits include:

  • Broad-spectrum activity against Pythium and other oomycetes
  • Systemic action, which means that the fungicide is absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout the plant tissue
  • Long-lasting protection, which means that the fungicide remains active in the soil for several weeks
  • Low toxicity to humans and animals


Ridomil Gold is a safe and effective fungicide that can be used to control Pythium infection in a wide range of plants. When used according to the label, Ridomil Gold can help to protect plants from Pythium and other oomycetes, and can improve plant health and yield.
